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Conferencias AMEN 2023Marzo 4, 2023
"Consumado es...", Conferencia AMEN 2023

Sermón 5ta Conferencia… “Tomen para mí ofrenda”


Post Tagged with: "Bible"

  • Why do we celebrate Bible Month in September?

    The Bible is the name we use to refer to the Word of God. This Bible is not a single book, but a collection of ancient writings. 66 separate books, written over about 1,600 years, by at least 40 different authors.

    “Bible” comes from the Greek word (plural) Biblión / Biblos, whose meaning is “The books” or “The Little Books”. Byblos was a major trading port in the Eastern Mediterranean where papyri and other writing materials were purchased.

  • Are there errors in the Bible?

    The original texts of the Bible do not contain errors because they were inspired by God, but we cannot say the same about the copies that were made later or the translations that have been made of the latter. Translators are human, so it is inevitable that their own religious tendencies have influenced their work.


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